Saturday, June 6, 2009

That Horrible Despair

Don't you hate it when you're completely serious about something?
And people pretend to believe in you, and say you can definitely do it, but really they think you'll get over it and let the idea pass. It's even worse when you do eventually give up, because no one gives you any real support.
For a while after that, life's really depressing, you feel like you let yourself down.
Let's face it.
You did.
The people who don't believe you can accomplish whatever you want, don't mean anything.
Don't think of it as an excuse to give up, think of it as a drive to move forward. Just to see the looks on their faces when you do the impossible.
It was never impossible.
You just needed to open your eyes.
Don't give up for anyone.
They're not worth it.


amaz said...

i didnt do that did I??

Slammy & Ninja Amaz said...

pfft. no. no one's done that to me recently. especially not you.

Mom said...

What is real support? Is it telling you what an amazing goddess you are daily? Is it typing up your stories and sending query letters to agents? Is it cooking your tofu just right, and cleaning and folding your laundry? No none of those things. So what is it? Oh, I know. It's getting you out of going to school FOREVER, so you can just write.